Heaven Fresh Air Purification System
Filters Spaces up to 54m² (580ft²)
Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR): 480m³/hr. (16,951ft³/hr.)
6 Stage Filtration:
- Pre-Filter: Catches large particles like dust and hair
- Cold Catalyst Filter: Absorbs gases like formaldehydes, ammonia, benzene, VOC’s. This filter works as an odor eliminator and improves the pureness of the air
- Activated Carbon Filter: Removes small particles like dust mites, pollen, dander, and allergens. It also helps remove any gases that may have gotten through like smoke and various odors.
- HEPA Filter: Captures ANY particles as small as 0.01 Microns in size (10 nanometers) This includes various bacteria and viruses. The SARS- CoV2 virus is approximately 0.125 Microns (125 Nanometers) which means the HEPA filter would catch any airborne Coronaviruses or any other viruses for that matter.
- Sterilizing UV Light: This Ultraviolet light is designed to kill any viruses or bacteria during the filtration process. It acts as an insurance policy for any remaining bacteria or viruses smaller than 10 nanometers that may have gotten through. UV light has been used as a sterilizer for years as it is known to kill viruses and bacteria. Recent studies from the University of Columbia shows it could be quite efficient against COVID-19.
- Ionizer: Anions, released with the purified and sanitized air, are negatively charged ions that increase blood flow to the brain and are sometimes referred to as “Vitamins of the Air”. These Anions help boost people’s immune systems and are naturally found in nature in places like forests, waterfalls, and beaches.